Boesemani Rainbow

Boesemani Rainbow Fish: 2025 Care Guide, Tank Setup & Best Tank Mates 

The Boesemani Rainbow Fish (Melanotaenia boesemani) is among the most stunning freshwater fish. Their yellow and blue coloration makes them highly sought after by aquarists. They are active, peaceful, and very low maintenance. If you want a colorful, lively addition to your tank, Boesemani Rainbow Fish are an excellent option.

Discover the magic of the Boesemani Rainbow Fish! Discover tank setup, best and worst tank mates, diet, breeding, and social behavior. Get tips on keeping these beautiful fish healthy and happy!

This guide covers everything you’d like to know about caring for them, setting up a tank, their diet, their social nature, and breeding.

Boesemani Rainbow Fish Overview

Scientific NameMelanotaenia boesemani
Common NameBoesemani Rainbow Fish
OriginIndonesia (New Guinea)
Lifespan5–8 years
SizeUp to 4.5 inches
TemperamentPeaceful, Active
Tank SizeMinimum 30 gallons
Water Temperature75-82°F (24-28°C)
pH Level6.5-8.0
Best Tank MatesOther Rainbowfish, Tetras, Corydoras
Bad Tank MatesAggressive fish, Fin nippers

Social Nature of Boesemani Rainbow Fish

Boesemani Rainbow Fish are active and social animals. They prefer to swim unconfined and thrive in shoals of at least six. Keeping them in small quantities ensures they remain stress-free and induce natural behavior.

  • Peaceful yet Active: They don’t often display aggression and are always in motion.
  • Best in Groups: Boesemani alone become stressed and shy.
  • Color Changes: Males show more color under competition for a mate.
  • Daytime Swimmers: Most active in well-lit situations.

Best Tank Mates for Boesemani Rainbow Fish

Tank mates need to be chosen carefully for a harmonious aquarium. Good tank mates are:

  • Other Rainbowfish: A harmonious match with their own kind.
  • Tetras: Peaceful and fast enough to keep up.
  • Corydoras Catfish: Bottom feeders that will not disturb them.
  • Gouramis: Non-aggressive ones make great tankmates.
  • Danios & Rasboras: Quick swimmers that will keep up with them.

Bad Tank Mates for Boesemani Rainbow Fish

Do not keep them with slow or aggressive fish. Bad tankmates are:

  • Cichlids: Aggressive in most species and very territorial. They have dominance hierarchies and tend to attack weaker tank members. Large tanks with many places to hide will help to alleviate aggression. Though some cichlids are semi-peaceful, they do not allow smaller or slower-moving fish to coexist in the same aquarium.
  • Betta Fish: These are slow swimmers with flowing, long fins and are prone to fin-nipping tankmates. They thrive best in quiet, single conditions. Fin-nipping or active-swimming fish, like barbs or tetras, can nip at their delicate fins, which can result in stress and harm. Appropriate tankmates include snails or quiet bottom-dwellers like Corydoras.
  • Angelfish: Will become aggressive towards active fish.
  • Goldfish: Require colder water and alternate care.
  • Barbs (Tiger Barbs): Fin-nippers. Tiger Barbs are energetic and combative fish that are infamous for **fin-nipping**. They will target slow-swimming or long-finned fish like Bettas and Angelfish. To reduce aggression, keep them in **groups of six or more**. They are well-suited to community tanks with fast, similarly active species like Danios and other Barbs.

Boesemani Rainbow Tank Setup 2025

Having a tank environment easily supports them.

1. Tank Size

  • Minimum 30 gallons is required.
  • In groups, 50+ gallon tank is better.

2. Water Parameters

ParameterIdeal Range
Temperature75-82°F (24-28°C)
pH Level6.5-8.0
HardnessModerate to Hard (8-20 dGH)
Ammonia & Nitrites0 ppm
NitratesBelow 20 ppm

3. Filtration & Oxygenation

  • Strong filter keeps the water clean.
  • Good water circulation is acceptable, simulating their natural life.
  • Regular water changes (25-30% weekly) maintain water quality.

4. Substrate & Plants

  • Fine gravel or sand simulates their natural environment.
  • Live plants like Java Fern, Anubias, and Amazon Swords provide hiding spots.
  • Rocks and driftwood help in establishing a natural look for the tank.

5. Lighting

  • Bright to moderate lighting enhances their colors.
  • Use daylight-spectrum LEDs for best effect.

Boesemani Rainbow Fish Diet & Feeding

They need a well-balanced omnivorous diet to remain in good health and display colorful fins.

  • Flakes & Pellets: High-grade protein-rich flakes.
  • Live/Frozen Foods: Bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia.
  • Vegetables: Zucchini, blanched spinach, peas.
  • Feeding Schedule: Feed small amounts 2-3 times a day.

Breeding Boesemani Rainbow Fish

For breeding the fish, conditions have to be proper:

  • Separate Breeding Tank: Use a 20-30 gallon tank.
  • Select Breeding Pair: Select fully colored mature fish.
  • Insert Spawning Mops: They breed on fine-leaved plants.
  • Ideal Water Conditions: Warm water (78-80°F) induces spawning.
  • Egg & Fry Care: Hatching time of eggs is 7-10 days. Liquid food and infusoria may be fed to them.

Common Health Issues & Prevention

Boesemani Rainbow Fish are sturdy but may fall prey to illnesses:

Ich (White Spot Disease): Avoid in case of regular water conditions.

Fin Rot: Low water quality; treat with regular water changes.

Fungal Infections: Do not overfeed and keep the tank clean.


The Boesemani Rainbow Fish is a beautiful, vibrant, and low-maintenance fish. Their lovely colors, peaceful nature, and active swimming behavior make them the perfect pick for any freshwater aquarium. By using proper tank conditions, compatible tank mates, and an efficient diet, you can ensure a healthy and happy life for them in 2025 and beyond.


How many Boesemani Rainbow Fish Should be Kept Together?

At least six should be kept together to make them stress-free and happy.

Do Boesemani Rainbow Fish Need a Heater?

Yes, they like warm water (75-82°F), so a heater is essential.

How do I Get Them More Colorful?

Feed them a protein diet, good lighting, and clean water.

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