Green Terror Cichlid

Green Terror Cichlid: The Ultimate 2025 Care Guide

Green Terror Cichlid (Andinoacara rivulatus) is a beautiful freshwater fish that hobbyists adore for its bright colors and fiery temperament. It is a South American native that needs extra care to survive in a home aquarium.

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Green Terror Cichlids, including diet and environment, breeding and aquarium setup. If you’re thinking of adding this stunning fish to your tank, read on for expert tips and advice!

Green Terror Cichlid Bio Table

Below describes the bio table of the Green Terror Cichlid.

Scientific NameAndinoacara rivulatus
Common NameGreen Terror Cichlid
OriginSouth America (Ecuador, Peru)
Lifespan7-10 years
SizeUp to 12 inches (30 cm)
Water Temperature72-80°F (22-27°C)
pH Level6.5-8.0
Tank SizeMinimum 55 gallons for one fish

Green Terror Cichlid Overview

Green Terror Cichlids are by far the most gorgeous freshwater fish, having a blue, green, and orange glaze to them. They are territorial and aggressive and should be left alone by experienced aquarists who can tolerate their tank conditions and behavior.

Green Terror Cichlid Overview

They are intelligent and used to their owners but, being territorial, should be housed with tankmates who can stand up for themselves.

Green Terror Habitat & Tank Setup

All fishes have different habitats and tank setup. Here is described the Green Terror habitat and tank setup.

Tank Size & Environment

Minimum 55 gallons will be required for one Green Terror Cichlid.

75-100 gallons for a spawning pair or community.

Provide hiding places behind rocks, driftwood, and caves to reduce aggression.

Provide lots of open swimming space as they are very active swimmers.

Water Conditions

Temperature: 72-80°F (22-27°C)

pH Level: 6.5-8.0

Water Hardness: Moderate

Filtration: Maintain clean water with a good-quality filter.

Substrate: Soft sand or fine gravel is recommended.

Tank Mates

Since they are aggressive, tank mates need to be carefully selected. Some of the safe tank mates for them include:

Jack Dempsey Cichlid

Oscar Fish

Firemouth Cichlid


Silver Dollar Fish

Avoid small and peaceful fish like Neon Tetras or Guppies since they will be devoured.

Green Terror Diet & Feeding

Green Terror Cichlids are omnivores and consume plant and animal diets. For them to be healthy, feed them:

Best Foods for Green Terror Cichlid

High-quality cichlid pellets (diet)

Live foods: Earthworms, mealworms, and crickets

Frozen foods: Bloodworms, brine shrimp, and krill

Vegetables: Zucchini, spinach, and peas

Feed them twice daily and provide them with a balanced diet to enhance their color and overall well-being.

Green Terror Breeding Green Terror Cichlids

Green Terrors are difficult to breed due to their aggressive nature, but they can be bred using the proper equipment.

Breeding Tips

Select a healthy pair: Green Terror Cichlids are monogamous.

Increase tanks size: 75+ gallons ideal for breeding.

Eggs on flat rock.

78-80°F consistent water conditions.

Sex the males that are injuring the female.

Female spawns 200-600 eggs after which both parents will defend them. The eggs hatch in 3-4 days and the fry are free-swimming after seven days. Ground flakes and baby brine shrimp are fed to the fry.

Green Terror Common Diseases & Prevention

Just like all fish, Green Terrors are prone to some diseases. Let’s discuss these diseases and prevention tips.

Common Diseases

Ich (White Spot Disease): Treatment with high temperature and aquarium salt.

Fin Rot: Because of bad water quality; treat with antibiotics.

Hole in the Head Disease: Because of bad diet and water.

Prevention Tips

Keep healthy water and parameters.

Quarantine new fish before introducing them to the tank.

Feed a better diet to build immunity.


The Green Terror Cichlid is a stunning and rewarding fish to keep, but it requires careful attention to tank setup, diet, and aggression management. They are best suited for experienced aquarists who can handle their territorial behavior and provide them with an environment where they can thrive.

If you’re looking for a beautiful yet challenging fish to add to your aquarium, the Green Terror Cichlid is an excellent choice!


Are Green Terror Cichlids Difficult to Care For?

Green Terror Cichlids require moderate to advanced care as they are nippy and demanding in terms of water quality. They are best suited for expert fish keepers.

How Fast do Green Terror Cichlids Grow?

Green Terror Cichlids grow very quickly in their first year, reaching approximately 6-8 inches within a period of about 12 months. With proper care, they will reach their full size of 10-12 inches.

Are Green Terror Cichlids Single-Kept?

Green Terror Cichlids can be kept alone in a 55-gallon tank or bigger. But if kept as tankmates, keep big, semi-aggressive fish that will tolerate their territoriality.

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