Duboisi Cichlid

Duboisi Cichlid: The Complete 2025 Care, Tank Mates & Breeding Guide

The Duboisi Cichlid (Tropheus duboisi) is among the most dramatic-looking freshwater fishes in the aquariums of today. Originating from Lake Tanganyika, the fish is famous for its color change drama and fascinating social life. To maintain the fish, one must possess adequate knowledge of the water conditions, the diet, and the tank setup to maintain them in good health.

In this comprehensive 2025 guide, we’ll discuss everything from their natural habitat, behavior, care tips, tank mates, and breeding process. If you’re planning to keep this fish, read on to learn how to provide the best environment for them!

Duboisi Cichlid Bio Table

Scientific NameTropheus duboisi
Common NameDuboisi Cichlid
OriginLake Tanganyika, Africa
Lifespan8-10 years
Adult SizeUp to 5 inches (12 cm)
DietHerbivore (primarily algae)
TemperamentSemi-aggressive & territorial
Minimum Tank Size50 gallons (for a group)
Ideal Temperature76°F – 82°F (24°C – 28°C)
pH Range8.0 – 9.0
Hardness8 – 25 dGH

Duboisi Cichlid Natural Habitat

The Duboisi Cichlid originates from Lake Tanganyika, the second-oldest and second-deepest lake of freshwater in the world. They inhabit rocky shores and prefer depths of 10-50 feet, where they graze on algae. Their natural habitat is alkaline, and duplicating such water parameters in the aquarium is essential to their health.

Duboisi Cichlid Natural Habitat

Duboisi Cichlid Physical Appearance & Color Transformation

This fish is famous for its dramatic color transformation with age:

Juveniles: Black body with white or light blue spots, giving them a striking polka-dot effect.

Adults: Body darkens to blue-black as adults, with a yellow or white band running along the midline.

Males will become more colorful and are larger than females.

Duboisi Cichlid Social Behavior & Temperament

Territorial: Duboisi Cichlids are extremely territorial, especially males. They will become aggressive with same-species rivalry.

Group Dynamics: Best kept in groups of 12-15 or more to spread aggression.

Dominance Hierarchy: They possess a pecking order with the alpha male dominating the group.

Active & Playful: They are active swimmers and are constantly interacting with their environment.

Duboisi Cichlid Tank Setup & Ideal Conditions

To replicate their natural habitat, use the following guidelines:

Tank Size:

Minimum: 50 gallons (for a small group of 5-6 fish)

Recommended: 100+ gallons (for a large, stable colony)

Water Parameters:

Temperature: 76°F – 82°F (24°C – 28°C)

pH Level: 8.0 – 9.0 (alkaline)

Hardness: 8 – 25 dGH

Filtration: Good quality filter with good oxygenation

Lighting: Moderate to high to promote algae growth

Substrate & Decorations:

Sandy or fine gravel substrate (gently on their bodies)

Plenty of rocks & caves for hiding places

Limited plants, as they graze on them

Duboisi Cichlid Diet & Feeding:

Herbivorous diet: Needs spirulina flakes, algae wafers, blanched vegetables (zucchini, spinach, lettuce)

Avoid: Protein-rich foods like bloodworms, which can cause digestive issues

Feeding Schedule: 2-3 times a day, in small amounts

Duboisi Cichlid Good Tank Mates

Proper tank mate selection is important to avoid aggression. Good tank mates are:

Other Tanganyikan Cichlids (e.g., Julidochromis, Eretmodus)

Frontosa Cichlids (if only there is space in the tank)

Synodontis Catfish (peaceful bottom dwellers)

Cyprichromis species (non-aggressive schooling fish)

Duboisi Cichlid Bad Tank Mates

Duboisi Cichlids should not be kept with:

Small, timid fish (e.g. Tetras, Guppies, or Rasboras)

Territorial and aggressive cichlids (e.g. Mbunas, Red Devils)

Slow fish which can be bullied

Breeding Duboisi Cichlid

Duboisi Cichlids are mouthbrooders, i.e., females carry eggs in their mouth.

Breeding Process:

Alpha males woo females by exhibiting bright colors.

The female carries fertilized eggs in her mouth for 3-4 weeks.

After hatching, the fry are released and may be fed crushed spirulina flakes and baby brine shrimp.

Isolation of the fry ensures better survival.

Duboisi Cichlid Common Health Issues & Prevention

Here are some common health issues and prevention described.

Malawi Bloat

Symptoms: Bloated belly, loss of appetite, lethargy

Causes: Protein-rich food, poor-quality water

Prevention: Stick to herbivorous diet and change water regularly

Ich (White Spot Disease)

Symptoms: White spots on the fish, scratching against items

Treatment: Gently increase the temperature, copper-based medication


The Duboisi Cichlid is a stunning, lively, and fascinating fish that can be maintained in a well-kept aquarium. They require special water conditions, proper diet, and proper tank mate choice. With proper care, the fish can live for 10 years and provide an interesting experience to their owners.

If you’re considering adding this species to your tank in 2025, be prepared to meet their unique requirements and enjoy their exquisite color shifts and energetic social behavior!

Discover everything about Duboisi Cichlid care in 2025! Learn about tank setup, behavior, diet, breeding, and tank mates suitable for this stunning species in order to let it live a happy and healthy life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Duboisi Cichlids be Kept Alone?

No, they are community fish that thrive in a group. Keeping them alone will create stress and aggression.

How can I Reduce Aggression in my Duboisi Cichlid Tank?

Keep them in big schools (12-15), lots of hiding places, and don’t overstock.

What is the Best Diet for a Duboisi Cichlid?

Their digestive system will do best on a plant-based diet with spirulina, algae wafers, and blanched vegetables.

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