Bluefin Notho

Bluefin Notho: A Mesmerizing Killifish for 2025 Aquariums

Looking for a unique and colorful fish for your freshwater tank in 2025? The Bluefin Notho is a stunning killifish with vibrant colors and an interesting life cycle. Learn about its Annual killifish care, diet, breeding, and ideal tank mates in this detailed guide.

The Bluefin Notho (Nothobranchius rachovii) is a breathtaking freshwater fish that fascinates aquarium hobbyists across the globe. Characterized by its vibrant blue fins and bold red-orange body, this annual killifish is a great addition to a well-kept tank. But keeping them demands knowledge about their peculiar lifecycle, precise water conditions, and tank setup.

This manual includes everything you should know about the Bluefin Notho, ranging from its original habitat to suitable tank mates and breeding techniques. Continue reading to discover how to give the best care to this interesting Freshwater killifish species in 2025.

Bluefin Notho Overview

Scientific NameNothobranchius rachovii
Common NameBluefin Notho
OriginEast Africa (Mozambique, Zimbabwe)
SizeUp to 2.5 inches (6 cm)
Lifespan1-2 years
TemperamentPeaceful but territorial among males
Tank LevelMid to top
DietCarnivorous (live and frozen foods)
Water ConditionspH 6.0-7.5, Temperature 22-26°C (72-79°F)
Best KeptIn species-only or well-planned community tanks

Appearance and Colors

  • Bluefin Notho is one of the most beautiful killifish.
  • The males have shiny red and orange bodies with bright blue fins.
Appearance and Colors of Bluefin Notho
  • Females are gray or dull brown, which assists them in camouflaging themselves.
  • Their intensity of color depends on health, diet, and environment.

Natural Habitat

  • Bluefin Nothos inhabit seasonal floodplains and pools in East Africa.
  • These dry up during the dry seasons, and only the dormant eggs remain buried in the mud.
  • When the rains come back, the eggs hatch, and the fish grow quickly to finish their lifecycle within a year.
  • Because of this adaptation, they are considered annual killifish.

Water Parameters & Tank Requirements

To keep Bluefin Nothos healthy, have stable and appropriate water conditions:

Water Parameters

  • Temperature: 22-26°C (72-79°F)
  • pH Level: 6.0-7.5
  • Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard
  • Ammonia/Nitrites: 0 ppm (toxic to fish)
  • Nitrates: Less than 20 ppm
  • Filtration: Sponge filters best (gentle flow required)

Bluefin Notho Tank Setup

  • Tank Size: Minimum 10 gallons for small group.
  • Substrate: Fine sand or peat moss for egg-laying.
  • Lighting: Moderate, with shaded zones.
  • Decor: Include floating plants and hiding places to simulate their natural habitat.
  • Cover: Provide a lid—these fish are jumpers!

Social Behavior

  • Males will be aggressive and chase one another in small tanks.
  • Females are non-aggressive and can be kept together without risk.
  • They actively swim but like calm water with shelter.
  • Best kept in small groups, with one male and several females.

Good Tank Mates

  • Selecting good tank mates is vital for a peaceful aquarium:
  • Small tetras (e.g., Ember Tetras, Neon Tetras)
  • Corydoras Catfish
  • Otocinclus (superb algae cleaners!)
  • Dwarf Shrimp (if properly fed, won’t be disturbed)

Bad Tank Mates

  • Stay away from competitive or aggressive fish:
  • Larger Cichlids (too aggressive)
  • Active, fast-moving fish (outrun them for food)
  • Fin-nipping species (such as Tiger Barbs)
  • Other territorial species (like Bettas)

Diet & Feeding

  • Bluefin Nothos are carnivores, performing well on a diet rich in protein:
  • Live Foods: Brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms
  • Frozen Foods: Mysis shrimp, white worms
  • Dry Foods: High-protein pellets (as supplements)
  • Feeding Frequency: 2-3 times a day in small quantities

Breeding Bluefin Notho

  • Fascinating breeding but very patience-intensive:
  • Spawning: Females are courted by males, laying eggs in peat moss.
  • Egg Drying Phase: Leave eggs in damp peat for 3-6 months.
  • Hatching: Fry hatch fast once put in water.
  • Growth: Hatch fry with newly hatched microworms and baby brine shrimp.

Common Health Issues

  • Fungal infections due to poor water conditions. There Symptoms are a White cotton-like patches on the skin and fins.
  • Parasitic Infections (Ich, Velvet, Flukes) Parasites from live food.
  • Its symptoms are white spots (Ich), gold dust (Velvet), or excessive scratching
  • Fin rot as a result of stress or aggression. And Symptoms included Ragged, decaying fins with a whitish edge.
  • Dropsy (Fluid Retention and Bloating) Symptoms present are wollen body, raised scales, and lethargy.

Prevention Tips:

  • Keep water clean with regular changes.
  • Provide a high-quality diet.
  • Quarantine ill fish early.

By following these preventive measures, your Bluefin Notho can enjoy a healthy and stress-free life! 🐠💙


The Bluefin Notho is a stunning fish that adds intense color and interesting behavior to aquariums. Despite their short lifespan, their interesting breeding cycle and energetic personality make them a gratifying species to own. 

Provided with proper water conditions, a balanced diet, and the right tank setup, these fish will flourish and show their full beauty. Their territoriality dictates that suitable tankmates should be chosen or that they should be placed in a species-only aquarium.  

Following this guide, you will be able to indulge in the finest Nothobranchius rachovii care methods and maintain a healthy, vibrant existence for your Bluefin Notho.


How Long do Bluefin Nothos Live?

They survive 1-2 years since they are seasonal killifish.

Can Bluefin Nothos be Kept with Other Fish?

Yes, but best in a species-only tank or with very peaceful, non-aggressive tank mates.

How do You Hatch Bluefin Notho Eggs?

Store eggs in wet peat for 3-6 months, then submerge in water to induce hatching.

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