Cardinal Tetra

Cardinal Tetra Complete Care & Species Guide

If you want to add a vibrant splash of color to your aquarium, look no further than the Cardinal Tetra. This small fish has bright red and blue colors on a shiny silver body that will catch anyone’s eye.

In this Cardinal Tetra care and species guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about these beautiful creatures.

From ideal tank conditions to feeding habits and breeding tips, we’ll cover all aspects of caring. Whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or a beginner, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all valuable information about these mesmerizing little fish.

Cardinal Tetra Facts & Overview

The scientific name for the Cardinal Tetra is Paracheirodon axelrodi. It is a small and vibrant freshwater fish native to the Rio Negro in South America. It is commonly known as Red Neon Tetra.

This species is popular for its striking colors and peaceful temperament. Cardinals grow about 1-2 inches in length. It creates a beautiful display when kept in groups.

They thrive in soft acidic waters with dense vegetation. These fish have a shimmering blue body with a bright red stripe that runs from their nose to the base of their tail fin. Their peaceful nature makes them excellent community fish. 

Cardinal Tetra

With proper care and optimal conditions, They can live up to 3-5 years.


The Cardinal Tetra is native to the Amazon River basin. These were discovered in the 1930s by a German scientist named Dr. George Meyers. He found them swimming in the soft, acidic waters of the Rio Negro River, which flows through Brazil and Colombia.

These are primarily found in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. In the wild, they swim with angelfish and discus in calm rivers and streams.

Adult Cardinal Tetra Size & Lifespan

Male cardinal tetras are slightly smaller than females. The average size of these is about 1.5 inches in length.

Females grow up to 2 inches, which is slightly bigger than males. Males weigh 0.05 ounces and females weigh up to 0.07 ounces.

Cardinal Tetra Size

Cardinal tetras are pretty fish that can live up to five years with good care and the right environment. Keep them in a well-maintained aquarium, to stay healthy and happy.


The Cardinal Tetra is known for its vibrant colors and peaceful temperament. This species is widely available in pet stores, online retailers, and fish shops. Research before buying fish from trusted sources to ensure they are healthy and cared for.

The availability of these beautiful fish can vary depending on where you purchase them. A Cardinal fish usually costs between $1 to $2. Buying 6-10 tetras together gets you a lower price per fish.

Appearance & Behavior

The appearance and behavior of the Cardinal Tetra are truly captivating. The Cardinal Tetra fish looks amazing with its bright red and blue colors. These are the prettiest freshwater fish due to the blue stripe on its body.

Cardinal Tetras are known for their peaceful behavior. They tend to swim in schools. They create a mesmerizing sight as they move together in perfect synchronization. This schooling behavior adds to their visual appeal. These fish feel secure and comfortable in their environment.

They changes colors according to their mood and surroundings. When stressed or frightened, their colors may appear duller compared to when they are feeling relaxed and happy. This ability to adapt their appearance makes them a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts worldwide.

Colors, Patterns, Fins, and Sex Differences

The distinctive coloration and patterns of the Cardinal Tetra make it a striking addition to any aquarium. The iridescent blue and red hues create a mesmerizing display. Male Tetras have brighter colors than females. The stripe on its side makes it look slimmer and beautiful.

They exhibit fascinating fin shapes. These fish have a long, pointed dorsal fin and a short, rounded anal fin. These special fin shapes help them move gracefully.

Male fish have intense coloration compared to females. Male fish have brighter red colors on their bodies and fins. It helps them stand out in a group of these elegant fish. This variation in color between the sexes adds a dimension of interest in their aquatic habitat.

Typical Behavior

Cardinal tetras are popular fish due to their vibrant colors and peaceful nature. These small fish are known for their schooling behavior. They swim in groups of 10-20 individuals. These are more active and playful in captivity than in the wild.

They are peaceful but can become stressed if they are housed with aggressive tank mates. These fish flash their colors during feeding times or when they are excited.

Cardinal Tetra Care & Tank Requirements

Taking care of Cardinal Tetras is easy. These vibrant little fish are a stunning addition to any aquarium. For their health and happiness, provide them with a well-maintained tank that mimics their natural environment. Create an ideal home for these pretty fish by setting up a tank with lots of hiding spots and gentle lighting.

Cardinal Tetra care

Keep them in a small group of 6 to reduce their stress levels. Test the water regularly to keep the water stable. Provide a varied diet that includes high-quality flake food, freeze-dried bloodworms, or brine shrimp for their health.

Habitat and Tank Requirements

Cardinal tetras thrive in soft, acidic waters with plenty of vegetation. Use a tank that is at least 10 gallons in size with dark substrate. Provide adequate hiding places such as plants or aquarium decorations to feel secure and reduce stress.

Maintain water temperatures between 75-82°F (24-28°C) and a pH level around 6.0-7.0. Use a heater and thermometer to regulate these conditions. Use good filtration to keep the water clean and well-oxygenated.

Add driftwood or rocks to provide ample hiding places for your tetras. These fish thrive in groups of six or more. Create a setup with ample swimming space and hiding spots to encourage their social behavior. 

Regularly monitor water parameters, use test kits, and perform partial water changes to maintain optimal conditions for your cardinals’ health.

Tank Conditions

Maintain ideal tank conditions for Cardinal Tetras for their health and well-being.

These beautiful fish thrive in a temperature range of 75-82°F (24-28°C) and soft, slightly acidic water with a pH level between 5.5-7.0. Add live plants such as java moss or water wisteria for hiding spots and to recreate their natural habitat.

Change water regularly to ensure good water quality. Use a filtered tank with gentle water flow for these fish. Maintain proper lighting that mimics their natural environment to enhance their vibrant colors.

Create a peaceful and stable environment for them to promote their physical health.

Pay attention to these specific tank conditions to enjoy the beauty of these captivating fish.


Ich, also known as white spot disease, is a disease that affects Cardinal Tetras in a tank. The symptoms of this parasitic infection are tiny white spots on the fish’s body, fins, and gills. Treat Ich promptly with medication to prevent further spread.

Fin rot is a common issue in Cardinal Tetras. It is caused by poor water quality or injuries. Fin rot spreads quickly if left untreated. Use antibiotics or antifungal treatments to improve the health of the infected fish.

Columnaris is a bacterial infection that affects Cardinal Tetras. Its symptoms are frayed fins, lesions on the body, and difficulty in breathing. To prevent Columnaris outbreaks, clean the tank environment with proper water parameters. Treat  infected fish with antibiotics to manage this disease and protect other tank inhabitants  

Tank Mates

Peaceful nature and small-size fish are perfect tank mates for your Cardinal Tetras. Corydoras catfish, Dwarf Gouramis, and Otocinclus Catfish are ideal companions for these fish. These species create a harmonious environment in your tank.

Add  Neon or Ember tetras to enhance the visual appeal of your aquarium.  Avoid putting Cichlids or Bettas in the same tank because the bigger fish can scare or eat them.

Cardinal Tetra Fish

You can create a balanced ecosystem with compatible species.

Diet and Feeding

Provide them with a varied diet to ensure their health and vitality. These vibrant fish are omnivores. They eat both plant and animal-based foods. To mimic their natural diet in the wild, give them high-quality flake or pellet food.

You can supplement their diet with live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. These provide important nutrients and also offer enrichment for your Tetras. Feed them small portions several times a day instead of one large feeding to prevent overheating and maintain good water quality in the tank.

By incorporating a variety of nutritious foods into their diet and following a regular feeding schedule, you can promote the overall well-being of your Cardinal Tetras. Providing proper nutrition is key in ensuring that they remain healthy, happy, and active members of your aquatic community.


Breeding Cardinal Tetras in a tank can be a rewarding and fascinating experience. To encourage successful breeding, create the right environment in the tank. Provide them with dense vegetation, like floating plants and moss. It can give the tetras plenty of hiding spots to lay their eggs.

Maintain stable water parameters with slightly acidic pH levels and warmer temperatures around 78-82°F. It simulates their natural habitat conditions and triggers breeding behavior.

When setting up a breeding tank for Cardinal Tetras, add a spawning mop as an alternative egg-laying site. This artificial material mimics fine-leaved plants where tetras usually deposit their eggs during spawning. In preparation for breeding, ensure that the diet of your tetras includes high-quality live or frozen foods to boost their overall health and reproductive capabilities.

By replicating their natural habitat conditions and providing ample hiding spots along with proper nutrition, you can increase the chances of successful breeding.


Caring for Cardinal Tetras involves providing them with a well-maintained tank environment, suitable water conditions, and a balanced diet. These beautiful fish are peaceful and thrive in schools, so keep them in groups of at least six individuals.

By understanding their natural habitat and behaviors, you can create an ideal home for your Tetras. Your Cardinal Tetras will reward you with vibrant colors and playful antics as they flourish in your care!


How Many Cardinal Tetras Should be Kept Together?

Cardinal tetras are schooling fish, so it is recommended to keep them in groups of at least six individuals. A larger group of around 10-15 cardinal tetras is ideal. Keep them in larger numbers to reduce stress. 

Are Cardinal Tetras Hard to Care for?

Cardinal Tetras are relatively easy to care for. They require a well-maintained aquarium with stable water parameters, adequate filtration, and regular water changes.

How Many Cardinal Tetras are in a 10-gallon Tank?

In a 10-gallon tank, it is recommended to keep around 8-10 Cardinal Tetras. These fish are small and schooling in nature. A group creates a natural and comfortable environment.

Can You Keep Neon and Cardinal Tetras Together?

Yes, you can keep Neon and Cardinal Tetras together in the same aquarium. Both species are peaceful fish. The tank should be large enough to accommodate a school of each species.

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