Green Fire Tetra

Green Fire Tetra Care Guide & Species Profile

Discover the Green Fire Tetra, a colorful and graceful fish for your aquarium. This small freshwater species has a green body with orange accents, bringing magic to your tank. In this guide, We will learn how to care for these captivating creatures, including tank requirements and water conditions. Whether you’re experienced or new to fishkeeping, this guide will help you understand and enjoy the beauty and behavior of the Green Fire Tetra.

Green Fire Tetra Facts & Overview

The Green Fire Tetra, also called Rathbun’s bloodfin tetra, is a colorful and peaceful fish for aquariums. It comes from South American countries like Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay, where it lives in slow rivers and streams.

Green Fire tetra

These tetras are small, about 1-2 inches long, and live for 3-6 years. They have green bodies with orange-red and silver colors that make them stand out. They are peaceful but may nip at other fish, so it’s best to keep them in groups.

To keep them healthy, maintain the water temperature between 72-80 F and pH levels between 6.5-7. Providing hiding spots and plants can encourage breeding behavior in these fish.


The Green Fire Tetra is a striking freshwater fish native to the clear waters of the Rio Guama in Brazil. It has evolved to blend in with its surroundings in the Rio Guama. These fish have been around for a long time and can live in different water conditions.

They are peaceful and like to be around other fish, making them great for community tanks. They are small and easy to take care of, perfect for new fish owners. The Green Tetra’s story is not just about its colors, but also its history and how it adapts to its environment.

Green Fire Tetra Size & Lifespan

The Green Fire Tetra is a small and colorful fish that can grow up to 1.5 inches. They have vibrant green and red colors, making them popular among aquarium fans.

Green Fire Tetra size

These tetras can liven up a tank if given the right conditions. They usually live for 3-5 years with proper care. They are social and do well in groups of at least six, showing more active behavior in larger groups. By feeding them well, keeping the water clean, and choosing suitable tank mates, aquarists can help these colorful tetras live healthy and lively life.

Appearance & Behavior

Green Fire Tetra changes color depending on how it feels and its surroundings, showing shades of turquoise and gold. These fish are lively and like to swim together and explore. They make aquariums more colorful and help people learn about underwater life.

Colors, Patterns, Fins, and Sex Differences

The Green Fire Tetra is a colorful fish with green hues that shine like emerald flames in the light. It has a sleek body with iridescent scales that change colors as it swims. Red accents on its fins provide a striking contrast.

The fish has a latticework design on its body and delicate fin extensions that flutter elegantly. Males have brighter colors than females. Green Fire Tetras are lively and playful, swimming in schools and interacting with other fish in the tank. They are social creatures that add excitement to any aquarium.

Typical Behavior

The green fire tetra is known for its bright color and active behavior in an aquarium. They swim in groups and interact with each other. They have a social hierarchy and explore their tank, showing curiosity towards new decorations. This behavior keeps them mentally and physically active. Observing green fire tetras can help us understand how they interact with each other and their natural behaviors.

Green Fire Tetra Care & Tank Requirements

Maintain good water quality since Green fire tetras are sensitive. Have a well-filtered tank with gentle water flow. Feed them a variety of high-quality foods to keep them healthy and colorful.

Green Fire Tetra Care

Habitat and Tank Requirements

To set up a tank for green fire tetras, mimic their natural habitat in South America with plants and driftwood. Ensure the water flow is gentle and maintain good water quality. These fish like slightly acidic water.

Understand the needs of green fire tetras to keep them healthy and happy. Create a home with the right plants, water conditions, and filtration for them to thrive. Monitor water quality and make adjustments as needed for these colorful fish to do well in your care.

Tank Conditions

To keep green fire tetras healthy, recreate their natural habitat in the tank. These fish like places with lots of plants and calm water. Add live plants and make sure the water moves gently to copy their home. Keep the water temperature steady between 72-82 F (22-28 C) with a pH of 6 to 7 for the tetras to stay well.

Check the water quality often to make sure it’s good for the tetras. These fish are sensitive to changes, so keep ammonia and nitrite levels at zero. Change 20% of the water every 1-2 weeks to keep it clean and reduce stress on the tetras. Feed them a mix of high-quality flakes, frozen foods, and live foods to keep them healthy and active in the tank.

Common Diseases

Green fire tetras are popular in aquariums but can get sick easily. One common disease they get is ich, which shows as white spots on their body and fins. To prevent ich, keep the water clean and reduce stress in the tank.

Another disease they might get is fin rot, caused by bacteria from dirty water or injuries. Treat fin rot with antibiotics and improve water quality. Watch your green fire tetras closely for any changes in behavior or appearance to catch health problems early.

Green Fire Tetra Tank Mates

Choose peaceful tank mates for your Green Fire Tetras that won’t compete for food. Cherry Barbs and Corydoras Catfish are good options. Cherry Barbs are small, colorful fish that like the same water conditions as Green Fire Tetras.

Corydoras Catfish helps keep the tank clean and adds activity. Floating plants like Water Sprite or Hornwort can give shelter and a natural feel to the tank. Amano Shrimp can control algae and add interest. Research each species’ needs before adding them to your tank for compatibility.

Tank Mates (To Avoid)

Avoid aggressive or fin-nipping fish like Tiger barbs or Bettas. Also, avoid big fish that might eat the tetras. Stay away from territorial species like cichlids, such as Angelfish or Discus, that can cause stress.

Diet and Feeding

Feed Green Fire Tetras a good balanced diet. They eat a mix of flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp. To make them healthier and more colorful, add some veggies like peas or zucchini to their diet. It gives them the nutrients they need and lets them act like they would in the wild.

Avoid overfeeding, as this can cause water problems in the tank. Feed them small amounts a few times a day instead of one big meal. This will keep them healthy, active, and happy.


Breeding green fire tetras can be a fun experience for aquarium fans. These colorful fish breed easily when they are given the right conditions. To encourage breeding, keep a clean tank with lots of plants for hiding. Keep two females with every male to avoid fights.

Green Fire tetras

Breeding usually happens in the morning with low light. The female lays eggs while the male fertilizes them. After breeding, remove adult fish to protect the eggs and babies. With good care and attention, green fire tetras can thrive and show off their natural behavior in your aquarium.


Green Fire Tetras are colorful and interesting fish that can enhance any freshwater aquarium. To keep them healthy and happy, provide a clean tank, good food, and compatible tank mates. Learn about their behavior and habitat to create a suitable environment for them. With their bright colors and lively behavior, Green Fire Tetra will bring beauty and joy to your aquarium. Add these charming fish to your collection now!


How Big Do Green Fire Tetras Get?

Green Fire Tetras are small fish that grow to about 1.5 inches long. They are known for their bright green color and calm behavior, making them popular in aquariums. These fish are good for community tanks because they get along with other peaceful fish.

How Many Green Fire Tetras Should be Kept Together?

When keeping Green Fire Tetras in an aquarium, think about how they act in groups and how much space they need. These pretty fish do well in groups, so keep at least six of them together. By having a group this big, you can watch them swim together and make your tank look nice.

What Temperature do Green Tetras Like?

Green tetras, also called Aphyocharax rathbuni, like warm water between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit (22-26 degrees Celsius) in their tropical aquarium. These small fish are from South America and need a steady water temperature

Do Green Tetras Need A Heater?

Yes, Green Tetras require a heater in their aquarium. These tropical fish are native to warm waters. Keeping the water at the right temperature is important for their health. A good aquarium heater will keep the water at the right temperature. Sudden changes in temperature or cold water can stress the fish and make them sick. So, use a heater to keep the water temperature stable and suitable for them.

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