Lemon Tetra: Fish Species Profile
Lemon Tetra is a charming and colorful addition to any aquarium. With its sunny yellow body and sleek silver accents, this small freshwater fish will catch your eye.
The Lemon Tetra hails from South America, specifically the rivers and streams of Brazil. Its peaceful nature makes it a perfect companion for community tanks. Lemon Tetra is known for its resilience and adaptability, thriving in a variety of water conditions. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of this lemony delight that adds a pop of color and tranquility to any aquatic environment.
Lemon Tetra Facts & Overview
Lemon Tetras are also known as Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis. They are small and lively freshwater fish native to South America. These vibrant yellow-colored fish are popular for their peaceful nature and striking appearance. They grow up to 1-1.5 inches in length and thrive in well-planted tanks with soft, acidic water.

They prefer living in schools of six or more. Their social nature makes them great tank mates for other peaceful fish species. They are a delightful addition to any freshwater aquarium with their cheerful coloration and peaceful demeanor.
The Lemon Tetra originates from the Amazon River basin in South America. These vibrant yellow fish are commonly found in slow-moving streams and tributaries with dense foliage. The Lemon Tetra is a peaceful species that thrives in well-planted aquariums with soft, acidic water.
These small and active fish have a unique iridescent sheen to their scales, giving them a shimmering appearance under aquarium lights.
Lemon Tetra Size & Lifespan
Lemon Tetras are small and vibrant fish that bring a splash of sunshine to any aquarium. These little beauties grow to about 1.5 inches in size. It makes them a perfect addition to smaller tanks or community setups.

Lemon Tetras can live for up to five years with proper care, making them a long-term commitment for aquarists.
Lemon Tetras are popular and can be found in many pet stores and online retailers. These small, vibrant fish are easy to care for. It makes them a favorite among beginner fish keepers.
Lemon Tetras are native to the waters of South America, particularly in the Amazon River basin. Their natural habitat consists of slow-moving streams and rivers with dense vegetation. This makes them well-suited for planted aquariums with similar conditions.
Appearance & Behavior
The Lemon Tetra is a vibrant and eye-catching fish. They are known for their striking yellow color that brightens up any aquarium. Its sleek body features iridescent scales that shimmer in the light, making it a visually appealing addition to any tank.
Colors, Patterns, Fins, and Sex Differences
Lemon Tetras are small freshwater fish known for their vibrant appearance. They feature a shimmering lemon-yellow color that is eye-catching and attractive. The scales of Tetras have a metallic sheen, giving them a luminous quality when they swim in the aquarium. Their fins are transparent with hints of yellow, creating a harmonious color scheme throughout their body.
Lemon Tetras display iridescent stripes along their body. The fins of these fish are elegant and flowy. Male Lemon Tetras are more colorful and have longer fins than females, which helps them attract potential mates.
Lemon Tetras are known for their social behavior. These vibrant fish display fascinating schooling habits. Lemon Tetras are also known to be peaceful and get along well with other fish species.
Lemon Tetras exhibit a hearty appetite and eagerly consume both flakes and live foods. They can be quite active during feeding sessions, darting around the tank to grab their share of food. They prefer a calm environment with plenty of plants for shelter.
Lemon Tetra Care & Tank Requirements
Provide them with a well-maintained tank environment. These vibrant fish require a minimum tank size of 10 gallons, with plenty of plants and hiding spots to mimic their natural habitat. Maintain stable water parameters, as Lemon Tetras are sensitive to fluctuations in temperature and water quality.
Habitat and Tank Requirements
When setting up a habitat for Lemon Tetras, replicate their natural environment. These peaceful fish thrive in well-planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots. Use dark substrates to bring out their vibrant yellow coloration and create a visually appealing contrast.
Tank Conditions
These fish prefer slightly acidic water with a pH level between 6 to 7.5. Keep the temperature of the tank around 72-82°F (22-28°C) to ensure they thrive.

Provide plenty of hiding spots and plants in the tank for Lemon Tetras to feel safe and secure. A well-planted aquarium with soft lighting will create an environment they love. Keep the water clean by performing regular water changes and monitoring ammonia levels, as these fish are sensitive to toxins in the water.
One common problem that Lemon Teras may face is Ich. It’s a parasite that causes white spots on their fins and bodies. To prevent this, maintain a clean tank with proper filtration and regular water change. Keep the water temperature stable around 75-80°F to help boost their immune system and reduce the risk of disease.
Another disease to watch out for is Fin Rot. It can be recognized by ragged or decaying fins in Lemon Tetras. This condition is caused by poor water quality or stress. To combat Fin Rot, ensure your tank’s water parameters are in check and provide a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
Tank Mates
Good companions for Lemon Tetras include other small and non-aggressive fish like Corydoras Catfish, Neon Tetras, and Rasboras. Avoid pairing them with larger or more boisterous species that may intimidate or outcompete them for food.
Provide plenty of hiding spots and plants to mimic their natural habitat and reduce stress levels among the various fish species sharing the tank.
Creating a harmonious community tank will enhance the well-being of your Lemon Tetras and promote a balanced ecosystem in your aquarium.
Diet and Feeding
Lemon tetras are easy-going eaters, accepting most foods you offer them. It’s recommended to feed them a varied diet. Incorporate flakes, pellets, freeze-dried or frozen bloodworms, and brine shrimp into their meals to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.
They are omnivores. They can eat both plant and animal-based foods. Provide them with a balanced diet to keep them active and vibrant in your aquarium. Offering small amounts of live foods like insect larvae can help mimic their natural diet in the wild and improve their overall well-being. Feed them small portions multiple times a day rather than one large meal.
Breeding Lemon Tetras can be a rewarding experience for fish enthusiasts. To successfully breed them, create the right conditions in their tank. Maintain a stable water pH level and temperature to encourage spawning behavior. Provide ample hiding spots with plants and decorations to help the fish feel secure and comfortable to lay eggs.
Separate the breeding pair from other fish in the tank to protect the eggs and fry. The male will fertilize the eggs that are laid by the female on plant leaves or other surfaces. After spawning, it is recommended to remove the adults from the tank as they may eat their own eggs or fry.
The Lemon Tetra is a beautiful and peaceful fish species that can make a great addition to any freshwater aquarium. With their vibrant yellow color and active nature, they are sure to bring life to your tank. Provide them with a well-maintained environment and suitable tank mates to ensure their health and happiness. By following proper care guidelines and providing a balanced diet, you can enjoy watching these delightful fish thrive in your aquarium. Add Lemon Tetras to your aquatic collection for a colorful and lively experience!
How big do Lemon Tetras Get?
Lemon tetras grow to be around 1.5 inches in size when fully grown. They are a small species of fish that are popular in freshwater aquariums due to their vibrant yellow color and peaceful nature.
What is the Minimum Tank Size for a Lemon Tetra?
The minimum tank size for a Lemon Tetra is about 10 gallons. These fish need enough space to swim around comfortably and have room to explore. A larger tank can maintain good water quality and provide a healthier environment for the fish.
Do Lemon Tetras Eat Shrimp?
Yes, lemon tetras are known to eat small shrimp. They are omnivores, they can consume both plant and animal matter. In the wild, lemon tetras often feed on tiny insects, crustaceans, and other small aquatic creatures.
Can Lemon Tetras Live with Bettas?
Lemon Tetras and Bettas can live together in the same tank, but there are some important things to consider. Lemon Tetras are peaceful fish that usually get along well with other community fish, including Betta fish. Bettas can be aggressive towards other fish, especially those with long fins like Tetras.
To ensure a harmonious environment, make sure your tank is large enough to provide hiding spots and territories for both species. With proper care and attention, Lemon Tetras and Bettas can coexist peacefully in the same tank.
Do Tetras Eat Fish Eggs?
Yes, Tetras are known to eat fish eggs. They have a tendency to be egg predators and may consume the eggs of other fish in the aquarium. This behavior can be problematic for breeding fish that lay eggs in community tanks with Tetras.
To prevent Tetras from eating fish eggs, it is recommended to provide hiding spots for the breeding fish where the Tetras cannot reach.
How Many Tetras Should be Kept Together?
The number of tetras that should be kept together depends on the species and tank size. It is recommended to keep at least six tetras together as they are schooling fish and feel more secure in a group. Some species like neon tetras may require a larger group of 10 or more for optimal social behavior.