Paradise Fish Care Guide & Tank Set Up For Beginners

Do you want to keep tropical fish? Consider the Paradise Fish. It is a beautiful freshwater fish that can be enjoyed by both experienced and new fishkeepers. This fish has colorful scales and fins, making it a delight to look at and care for. This Paradise Fish care guide will help you learn how to care for Paradise Fish and set up their tank in your home.

Paradise Fish Key Care Stats 

Tank size20 Gallons
pH6.5 to 8.0
TDS150-250 ppm 
Nitrateless than 30 ppm
Living zoneMidwater dwellers
TemperamentSemi Aggressive

Species Overview, Appearance, & Origin

The paradise fish, also called Macropodus opercularis, is from Southeast Asia. They are popular with aquarium fans worldwide for their bright colors and unique personalities. 

Male paradise fish are territorial and have a unique look, making them fun to watch in an aquarium. They have long bodies with blue, red, and yellow colors, and their fins move gracefully. Male paradise fish have longer fins than females, which makes them look elegant when they swim.

Scientific Classification

The paradise fish is scientifically known as Macropodus opercularis, and it belongs to the family Osphronemidae

Paradise Fish

They live in shallow rice paddies and swamps with lots of plants. They can survive in different water conditions because they breathe well using their labyrinth organ.

Paradise Fish LifeSpan

Paradise fish in aquariums usually live for 5 to 8 years, but with proper care, some can reach 10 years. Their lifespan is influenced by water quality, diet, genetics, and habitat.

Paradise Fish Size

Paradise fish are medium-sized compared to other fish. They grow to 2-4 inches in captivity. These fish are territorial and have interesting breeding habits, which attract fish enthusiasts. Their bright colors can make aquariums look vibrant.

Paradise Fish Care & Tank Set-Up

Make your Paradise Fish feel at home by setting up a tank that looks like their natural habitat. They enjoy swimming and need lots of space.   Keep the water clean to care for your fish. Change the water regularly and check the temperature, pH levels, and levels of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate to keep them healthy.

Paradise Fish Care

Paradise Fish Tank Size

When preparing a tank for Paradise fish, pick the right size. These colorful and territorial fish require plenty of room to be healthy. A tank of at least 20 gallons is recommended so they can swim freely and mark their territory without feeling crowded. Having enough space can decrease aggression between multiple Paradise fish in the tank.

The Nitrogen Cycle

The nitrogen cycle is important for keeping Paradise fish healthy. Beneficial bacteria clean the water by breaking down harmful ammonia. Cycle a new tank properly before adding fish to prevent ammonia spikes that could harm them.

Water Parameters

Keep the water temperature between 75-80 F, the pH level between 6.5-7.5, and the ammonia nitrite levels low. Testing and maintaining the water regularly will keep these levels in check and create a good environment for your fish.

paradise fish tank size

Plants & Decor

To make a nice home for your Paradise fish, add live plants and decorations to their tank. Plants give them places to hide, clean the water, and help keep the tank healthy. Rocks, driftwood, or caves can also make the tank look better and give your fish places to hide and rest.

Diet & Feeding Paradise Fish

Feed your paradise fish a varied diet to keep them healthy. They eat both live and frozen foods, as well as high-quality flakes or pellets. Offer protein-rich foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia, along with vegetable matter like spirulina flakes. 

Occasionally give treats like mosquito larvae or chopped vegetables for enrichment. Don’t overfeed them, as they have small stomachs. Stick to a regular feeding routine to maintain their health and color.

In-Tank Behavior & Temperament

Paradise fish are dominant in aquariums by chasing other fish. They are interesting to watch because of their aggressive behavior. 

They show intelligence by making bubble nests with plant material and saliva. This nesting behavior shows they care for their young. Watching paradise fish in a tank helps us understand how fish interact with each other.

Paradise Fish Tank Mates (And Who to Avoid)

Choose tank mates for Paradise fish that are friendly and compatible. Avoid aggressive or territorial species to create a happy and healthy aquatic community.

paradise fish tank mates

Good Tank Mates

Paradise fish get along well with peaceful fish like Neon tetras, Guppies, and Corydoras catfish. These fish are calm and need the same water conditions.

Bad Tank Mates

Avoid keeping Paradise fish with aggressive tank mates like Bettas, Cichlids, or Big tetras. These fish can stress or hurt the Paradise fish and disturb your aquarium’s peace.


Breeding paradise fish is fun for aquarium lovers. These colorful fish have unique mating behaviors. To breed them successfully, provide space, clean water, and egg-laying spots for the female. The male fish will display their colors and fins to attract a mate. After the female lays eggs in a bubble nest made by the male, he will protect them until they hatch. 

Watch the pair closely to prevent fighting. With good paradise fish care, breeding can produce beautiful babies with vibrant colors and patterns.


Caring for paradise fish can be enjoyable for new fish owners. Follow the Paradise fish care guide, set up a good tank, keep the water clean, feed them well, and observe their behavior. With time and effort, you can create a nice home for these colorful fish. Start your paradise fish journey now and enjoy having these amazing pets!


How Many Paradise Fish Should I Keep Together?

It’s best to have only one male paradise fish in a tank because they can be aggressive towards each other. If you want to keep multiple paradise fish together, use a larger tank with hiding spots and barriers to reduce aggression.

Do Paradise Fish Need A Heater?

Yes, Paradise fish need a heater in their tank to maintain a stable water temperature. They prefer temperatures between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit (24-27 degrees Celsius). Without a heater, the water temperature fluctuations can stress the fish and lead to health issues.

Can Paradise Fish Live Alone?

Paradise fish like to live alone and can get aggressive with other fish. It’s best to keep them by themselves in a tank to prevent conflicts. Some people try to keep them with peaceful fish, but it’s safer to keep them alone. 

How Often Should I Feed My Paradise Fish?

Feed paradise fish once or twice a day with different high-quality foods like flakes, pellets, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. Watch them while feeding to avoid overfeeding. Only give them the amount of food they can eat in 2-3 minutes.

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